Good things are happening on the railways of Wales. New trains, electrified lines, faster journeys, more late trains, more frequent services, extra seats and the promise of new services, such as a competitor to GWR speeding up trains from West Wales to London.(Due in late 2027.) But it’s not all advance and improvement. We… Continue reading
Posts tagged Heart of Wales Line
Riding the Heart of Wales Line – one of Britain’s most scenic rail journeys
Riding the epic railway from Shrewsbury to Swansea The whole of the Heart of Wales Line should have been consigned to the history books, along with milk churns, Bernard Cribbins look-alike porters from the Railway Children, and racing pigeons in baskets waiting to be released. But it survived, to become one of Britain’s most… Continue reading →
Can Welsh tourism cash its NATO dividend?
When the clattering helicopters, and the ominous motorcades with chunky black president-carriers much bigger than we used to have gone, the Wales of that very tempting Welsh Government video remains. President Obama is unlikely to return before the third week of January, 2017, when, under the constitution, he has to leave the Oval Office. (He… Continue reading →